corporate Governanance

1446 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: in 100% defence of Roger Lawson of ShareSoc

I start by thanking both Jim Mellon and Nigel Wray who have eached pledged £1000 to Rogue bloggers for Woodlarks, ahead of June 13 when I shall be walking around my fields here in Wales. Woodlarks needs £48,000 to survive the year. We have now raised 17% of that, please can you make a donation, however small, today to get us closer to target. Please give HERE. I then launch into a heartfelt defence of Roger Lawson of Sharesoc over what appears to be an undeclared related party deal at the organisation that campaigns for improved corporate governance and transparency. Then I look at Imperial Brands (IMB) and First Derivatives (FDP), one a stonking long the other a stonking short.
